Perfect Pet Dog TrainingOften times when a potential client calls me they will tell me about the issues they are having with their dog and then ask, “Can you help us?” The answer is always an enthusiastic “Yes!”

However, there are important considerations that every pet owner needs to make when they seek training. First, know that I can help your dog. What I cannot do is magically fix your dog. I am not a miracle worker, nor do I carry a magic wand in my training bag. If only it were that simple!

Here are some tips for getting the most out of your dog training sessions:

  • Training involves both ends of the leash. If you are unwilling to change anything about the way you handle your dog or his daily routine, the training will not work. After all, if the techniques you were using were effective, you wouldn’t be calling me in the first place. We can work together to make the changes to your behavior/routines easy, but expect that you’ll need to make some adjustments, at least for a little while.
  • Practice works both ways. If you continue to let your dog practice the problem behaviors because you are unwilling to institute the management exercises we discuss during the first training session, the training will not work. Practice makes perfect, and if you let your dog practice an unwanted behavior six days a week and 23 hours out of the day we meet (only seeing me once a week for an hour) we are not going to make any changes.
  • My techniques work. If you mix training techniques and continue to try things your neighbors, family members or TV shows recommend, it makes it really difficult for me to help you. Mixing training techniques is confusing for your dog. My techniques are scientifically sound, and I use them because they are the fastest, most effective and most humane techniques available. You hired me for a reason, and that reason is that I am a certified professional trainer with years of experience. As tempting as it may be to try everything to fix your dog’s behavior, at least check with me first before you start trying various training techniques. The two of us can discuss the pros and cons of trying something else in advance.

Here’s what you should expect of your trainer:

  • I am realistic. I promise that I will not give you impossible exercises to attempt or tell you to devote impossible amounts of time to training your dog. I will work with you to figure out your schedule and split exercises into simple, manageable parts. Yes, you will need to make some changes, but we will work together to make sure that the changes are reasonable for your lifestyle and schedule. I want you to succeed just as much as you want to fix your dog’s behavior problem.
  • I will never ask you to do anything that hurts or scares your dog, period. I will also be your coach, cheerleader and advisor. If you’re frustrated or overwhelmed, let me know!
  • I will work with your finances. Dog training services cost what they do because I am a professional. I devote hundreds of hours to continuing education each year. I travel out of state to educational conferences, attended seminars and read everything I can. I learn about learning theory, ethology, biology and canine cognition so that you don’t have to. If you need to set up a payment plan or barter for services, ask me! I want you and your dog to succeed and live a happy life together.

Given that, I can help you and together we can help your dog. Trainers help people, and a good trainer will be professional and trustworthy. I offer permanent solutions that will make your dog the enjoyable pet you’ve always wanted. For more information about our training programs visit our website at or call 803.210.9380 to talk to a certified trainer.

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