My Dog Only Works For Food!

Question: I have an extremely food motivated dog who is easy to train, but only “works for food”. I’ve tried to wean him off of treats and replace with praise, but he shuts down quickly when he knows I don’t have a food reward for him. He does follow basic commands consistently, but not […]

Lifetime Support – No Additional Costs!

We know you will have years of happiness with your dog after training with us. Because we know this, we offer lifetime support to all of our clients at absolutely no extra charge! We encourage all of our clients to keep in touch and never hesitate to contact us regarding behavior questions or just […]

Help Your Dog Love Visiting The Veterinarian

To prevent your dog from shaking and whining every time you pull into the veterinary clinic parking lot, start training him to show him that the veterinarian’s office is the greatest place in the world when you first bring him home. This training obviously works better starting as a puppy, but any dog can […]

When Your Dog Won’t Listen

Does your dog listen sometimes and other times act like he has no idea what you’re asking him to do? Many people find that their dog either listens well in class or at home, but doesn’t listen well in other environments. They’re embarrassed by their dogs behavior in front of company, especially if they’ve […]

FREE Canine Good Citizen Testing

FREE Canine Good Citizen testing will be held Wednesday, January 29th 2014 from 4pm – 7pm. The test will be held at our training facility – 4465 Posterity Court, Suite 100, Gastonia, NC 28056. Please call or email to reserve your spot or for more information – 803-210-9380 or

Not sure if you and […]

Can I Train My Dog Just Like They Do On TV?

Reality TV versus Real Life

Have you seen the program “The Biggest Loser”? This is a reality TV program where overweight people vie to lose the most weight and win huge cash prizes. Week after week, the program depicts the competitors running, lifting, sweating, climbing and pushing away from the dinner table, with each episode […]

Agility For Fun Classes

These “For Fun” Classes provide handlers and dogs a chance to experience Agility Classes at a very basic and fun level with structure. Join one of these classes to learn what agility is about. Classes are great for novices (both dogs and handlers) to begin learning from the very beginning (clicker work, shaping, learn […]

When To Start Puppy Training

People often ask me at what age they should start puppy training. The answer is immediately! Training of your puppy – the stuff you teach them at home – should start the DAY you bring your puppy home! This does not mean training needs to be intensive right away. Training at this stage should […]

Selecting A Dog For A Multi-Pet Household

Two Dogs or Not Two Dogs? That is the Question!

Living with multiple dogs can double the pleasure and double the fun but sharing your life with more than one dog is not without its unique considerations and challenges including:

Training time is doubled. When it comes to training, dogs learn better when worked with individually. […]

Teaching Your Dog The Come Command

Apart from being essential for safety reasons, when your dog has mastered the come command he/she can be allowed greater freedom in many situations. For example, when you are down at the beach or out hiking your dog can go off exploring on her own but will always be alert and ready to respond […]