So, You Want A German Shepherd?

So, You Want A German Shepherd?

German Shepherds are a wonderful breed. They are smart, great athletes and loyal companions. They make a great pet for an owner and families who are aware of their needs and strengths. However, for those who may not be as familiar with the breed they can be too smart […]

Train Your Dog

As a professional trainer I am reminded every day of how important it is for people to start training their dog the day they bring the dog home. If we don’t train our dogs they do not know right from wrong, and often hear the word “no” over and over again but are never […]

Stopping Your Dog From Counter Surfing

Counter surfing can be an annoying and frustrating habit for your dog to develop. It can also be dangerous for your dog if they get into something that can be poisonous, or knock a sharp or hot object off of your counter or stove. However, we have to keep in mind that dogs are […]

Why Do Dog Trainers Use Treats?

Training pet dog behavior is for two general purposes—“do” and “don’t”: First is training basic manners, or “do”—to perform desired behaviors on cue such as “sit,” “down,” “come,” “stay,” and walk politely on leash. The other purpose of pet dog training is “don’t do”—don’t jump, pull on leash, run away, take candy from the […]

How To Control Your Dog’s Barking

Barking is a natural instinct for dogs. There are times we want them to bark (warding off intruders) and other times we would like them to stop (when the same neighbor is outside that they see every day!). Below is a list of training techniques that can help you stop your dog from barking. […]

FREE Canine Good Citizen Evaluations

FREE Canine Good Citizen testing will be held Saturday, January 12th from 10am-12pm. The test will be held at the Good Samaritan United Methodist Church in Lake Wylie. Please call or email to reserve your spot or for more information – 803-210-9380 or

Not sure if you and your dog are ready for the […]

What Is A Therapy Dog?

Therapy dogs are household pets whose owners take them to visit nursing homes, schools, hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, libraries and other facilities where people would benefit from interactions with the dogs. A therapy dog can be any breed or mix of breeds. Therapy dogs must have a friendly, patient temperament with people of all ages. […]

Preventing Fearfulness In Dogs

Fearfulness in dogs can develop at any age. Often times the cause is lack of socialization to different people, animals, places and things during the prime puppyhood socialization period. Other causes include emotional trauma, physical abuse or simply not getting enough social interaction on a regular basis throughout the dog’s life. Shyness and fear […]

Dogs And Exercise

When my own dogs don’t get enough exercise they let me know! Ivan will follow me around the house like a shadow, Merry will find any toy she can rip to shreds (and do just that) and Lola will bounce around the house like a ping pong ball trying to get anyone willing to […]

Choosing The Right Dog For Your Family

Adding a new dog to your family is a major decision. Be sure you are ready for the new dog and understand the cost of dog ownership. When you decide the time is right, the next step is figuring out what type of dog is right for your family. There are many factors to […]